Friday 16 January 2015

Proliferation of Promotion

Musicians don't make their money as much by record sales anymore, due to online downloading and such, ways in which they make their money is from going on tour and selling merchandise. At 1:34, the vocalist of this band is asked a question about if he prefers CD's or Merchandise, and he states that although he loves CD's, the merchandise is the thing that creates the money, although this isn't just specifically in this genre and covers a wider range around music, but specifically in metal bands produce new merchandise nearly weekly, and produce a mass amount of new merchandise for a record when they're releasing to boost the amount of money that can be generated by selling it in bundles. As the fan base for this genre is a lot smaller than mainstream music, merchandise is where the majority of the money that's generated comes from, rather than tours.

Xisforeyes are a good example of ways to generate more money when it comes to releasing an album, they're currently selling their album with bundles containing different variations of merchandise, if you want a specific piece of merchandise you'll have to pay the required money, as you cannot just buy the album on its own, this is a good marketing strategy and is used by multiple different bands in the scene.

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