Saturday 4 October 2014

Explanation of Logo

As I've previously stated the reason that I have chosen the name Overseer, that we're overlooking the small community in which my band partakes in. The logo I've created represents the sparse amount of bands in a local scene that play, and the small amount of gigs that are put on for smaller bands rather than larger ones. I've changed the kerning of the text the separate the letters, this is due to the small amount of bands in local scenes and gigs, as they're spread out and normally have to travel to get to gigs to play, I've also used a very clear and obvious font, this is due to the lack of vocals, as bands with heavy demanding vocals tend to have very scratchy unclear logos, whereas bands that use only the instruments to create the sounds, tend to have lighter more readable logos to attract more of an audience rather than just the people in the metal scene.

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