Friday 5 September 2014

Bo Diddley

In the 1960, fashion was a large part of the influential movement in part with the media. After World War II the 60's became a time period where the way you dressed and looked became massively important, and also the media bumped up the drive of the sexual appeal to the public, making it more of a commonly seen thing when it came to the media, and also plays a part in fashion that was designed in those times. In the video of Bo Diddley performing, it's apparent that from the media's influence people were more susceptible to thinking that they needed to keep up with the current fashion state, dressing similar and also longer hair for men became a strong fashion statement. During the war, there was a difference between men and women, obviously, the war was taking place, but once the war ended and all the propaganda distributed by the media had stopped, taking people out of the phases of war, it was a time to relax and sit back, people became less war driven and more liberal to things, and the 60s became a phase in the world for partying. In the video, with the 3 woman standing up by the microphone, they express themselves through the way that they look, their hair has more volume and their clothes are more revealing, and they have tassels behind them connecting their clothing together which is a part of the fashion styles that were coming in during this time period. Musicians began to take more drugs to influence their music, and the same with fashion, as these were more easily obtainable after the war, and the music then created influenced people to do the drugs that created the music they listen to, and creativity flourished due to creation being neglected previously.

Whatever had been put into the media and portrayed as "current" would take an effect on the people, whatever the time period, but this also works with people expressing themselves and the media taking note on how they're acting to please the public, and this resulted in three different aspects blooming during the 60s, the music, the photography and the fashion. In conclusion "the swinging 60s" was a phase of celebration and expression through the people and media alike.

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